A polar vortex hovers over the Northeast. Snow covers the Midwest. This weekend, temperatures are expected to dip below freezing from Texas to Georgia.
Some of you may still be playing golf, but for the rest of us, winter has come.
So how about a golf story? And not about Tiger or Rory. This one is about playing golf, a lot of golf in a little amount of time. It’s about one guy who is obsessed about playing as much golf as he can, despite a career that both creates a chaotic work schedule and demands an intense workout regime. (Plus he has four kids.)
Mark Wahlberg is an actor and a producer. His life is about hit movies, Academy Award nominations and popular television series. He also loves to play golf.
“I’m obsessed,” he said
He’s 45 years old and the acting job requires him to maintain as close as possible the physique he had when he was staring shirtless in Calvin Klein ads when he was 22. This is nearly impossible, of course. It also requires him to be on set shooting scenes sometimes 14, 15 hours a day. That doesn’t lend itself to tons of time for the gym, let alone a sport not known for intense physical exertion.
“This job means I can never stop working out,” Wahlberg told Yahoo Sports. “If it was up to me I’d be eating and drinking beer, but the job makes me stay in shape. At my age, though, it gets harder.”
So consider last summer when he was in Detroit shooting the next Transformers movie. He kept noticing the beautiful Michigan weather and had to figure out a way to play. There was only one solution.
“The situation I was in, I was training for [an upcoming role] that requires me to be in really good shape,” Wahlberg said. “So I would wake up at 3:30 in the morning and work out for an hour and a half. Then I’d eat, say prayers and do a few things.”
Then, still pre-sunrise, he and two buddies would drive to a local private golf club – most often Knollwood Country Club or Plum Hollow in the suburbs, or Detroit Golf Club in the city. There, they’d have it arranged that they’d go out at the absolute crack of dawn and sometimes before that if they could see anything.

Read more at: https://sports.yahoo.com/news/mark-wahlbergs-obsession-with-golf-turned-him-into-a-running-man-215915226.html

About The Author

Beckett Frappier is a Houstonian, born and raised. For some reason, decided to go to Villanova in Philadelphia, where he flourished in the pick up basketball scene. Now, he resides in Dallas, Texas where he has become an unguardable force on the LA Fitness pickup basketball scene while working at a law firm during the day.

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